7 Tips & Tricks for Decorating & Organizing your Home (Without the Clutter)

Are you looking for a way to decorate and organize your home, but you either have too much stuff or don’t have a system to keep it looking orderly? Here are 7 tips and tricks from our own Senior Interior Designers for decorating and organizing your new construction home (without the clutter):

  1. Less is More

The best tip you’ll hear from most interior designers is: “less is more.” Unless you’re a maximalist or going for modern glam, it’s better to keep it simple. You can always opt for those more significant statement pieces but offset those choices by keeping the surrounding space unembellished. When you start with a minimalist approach, it’s easier to maintain organization and cleanliness. In the words of Coco Chanel regarding accessories, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take at least one thing off.” The same thing goes for your home. Once you are done decorating, take a step back and think about how you could edit.

  1. Only Buy If You Have a Place for It

If you tend to overshop, here is a tip: don’t buy it unless you know you have a space for it (not shoved in your storage or placed haphazardly on the counter or shelf).

Pro Tip: Interior design stores sometimes let you check out an item for 24 hours before actually purchasing – try out the item and see if it works in your space before committing to the purchase. However, some stores may limit this to interior designers exclusively, but it never hurts to ask!

  1. Keep Your Surfaces Clean

The fastest way to clutter your space is by putting too much stuff on your counters (or any flat surface). Ensure that items are tucked away and have their place. It can be beneficial to have an organizing system or designated bins in your cabinets and closets. Keep things off the table – free up that space and keeping your home looking good.

  1. “5 Items” Tip

Every time you go into a room or leave a room, pick up or tidy five items. If you’re going to the kitchen for a glass of water, take anything with you along the way that belongs in the kitchen and put it in its designated spot. When you enter your bathroom, put five things in their place before you leave. This ensures everything stays organized throughout the day, and you never have too big of a mess to tackle at once.

  1. Have an “Out” Box

The trick to ensuring you don’t have too much unnecessary stuff in your home is being willing to discard unneeded items and having a system for discarding items you no longer need/want. Marie Kondo has a great system for this, but if you’re looking for a less time-intensive method, we recommend creating an “out” box. This box acts as a perpetual donation collecting bin. Fill it with items (and clothing) you’ve decided you no longer need, and once it fills up (or once a month), take it to your favorite charity or donation facility. If at any point you change your mind about an item you’ve put in there, take it out. It’s an easy way to declutter over time.

  1. Groupings in Odd Numbers & Different Heights

So you’ve decluttered your space, and you need some ideas on how to decorate. An easy way to add dimension is by grouping objects in odd numbers. For example, place three pillows on the couch, five books on the coffee table, etc. Group objects with different heights; for example, group a tall, medium, and short candle. You’ll create dimension and visual layers, elevating your home decor.

  1. Decorative Trays & Boxes

Corral smaller objects (candles, remotes, and coasters) in decorative trays and boxes. You can also do this with your makeup or jewelry to make it look purposeful and aesthetically pleasing.

If you struggle to keep your home organized, try these tips and see what works for you. Soon it’ll become like second nature. If you’re ready to move or upgrade your home, check out our inventory of luxury homes in Bellevue, Kirkland, and the Eastside.

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